Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Rent and Dance Parties

Well, it's almost 3am on a Thursday. Just finishing off my lead class discussion about Tasers. I think it'll go well... I'm probably going to be BSing my way through it for the most part, but I think I know what I'm talking about.

Friday night, on my birthday, was interesting. I had a few drinks for the first and last time. I wouldn't say it was a bad experience, but alcohol is not something I want to be involved with. I thought I'd just take the fact that my friends were willing to pay for me and use it just to see how well I'd handle it. It was an experiment for myself. I didn't get too drunk that I wouldn't remember it, so I know what happened.

Still planning on going to Montreal in the summer. I signed a lease to a new apartment, so I have to plan the ride before or after I move in... As I think of it, after might be the better choice, that way I can do it without having to worry too much about a deadline other than the beginning of the next school year. So, I guess I'll be planning the ride for early August. Also, I was talking with the TWIG crew and Mike "The Birdman" Dodd might be able to get a camera for me to vlog my trip as well as blog it. I've been thinking of getting a smaller computer for the trip, too. I like this one, but it's very big and I don't think i use it to it's full potential. I might end up selling it after I get it fixed. There are a few neat subnotes I've been looking at that have a much longer battery life, too.

Other uni news... I was interviewed by my friend Mike for a story he's writing for the Niagara College newspaper. We talked for a good two hours about unicycling and I believe he got most of it on tape... That'll be interesting to sift through. He also took some pictures of me riding. T'was good.

On the 21st, the day after my birthday, Mike, Ken and I went up to Toronto to participate in the Toronto Subway Dance Party. It was one of those flashmob things. I helped out as one of the leaders of a train car full of people. We started off with one person dancing and then as we stopped at each station, we had more join in until we were all dancing. The great thing about it was that there were a few people on the trains who had no idea what was going on. We were all dancing to music on our mp3 players, so it looked like we were dancing to music that wasn't there. The group "Improv in Toronto" organized it and it looks like they are going to organize another one in the summer. Definitely going to that one, and hopefully there will be an even bigger crowd of people.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Ah... Another year closer to death

Well, it's mah birthday! 21 today! I am currently in the Radio Lab at school and waiting for my music spotlight project to export as an mp3 mixdown file. Listening to Daft Punk, too. Although, that's not very surprising.

We shall see what becomes of the day as it progresses... Apparently I get a party. But I should sleep soon as it is 12:30 ish.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I had a pretty good weekend. Catherine came down and stayed a few nights. We hung out with some of my friends; Jaz and Zach for the most part. Cath and I had some pretty good conversations and I hope she had a good time. I'm going to see her again on Saturday. Ken and I are going up to Toronto to participate in the second annual TTC Subway Dance Party and we'll be meeting her there. It's going to be awesome.

Going to be taking and scanning more pictures with a still film camera.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Still jobless and looking for adventure

Well, I'm still looking for a job. Not too much else going on. I have another alpha meeting tonight that I'm going to try work around. I missed last week due to something else I had to do (I can't recall what that was...). I plan on going to another part of town tonight to pass out resumes. Going to try Giant Tiger and the other stores around there.

And a few good links:
This guy, Graham Hughes is trying to set foot in every country on the planet in one year. Think he can do it? Subscribe to him and follow his journey.

Then there's Rob Lilwall, who cycled home to London, England from Siberia. It took him about three years to do.

And while you're at it, check out my new website:

I'm really inspired by these people. I'm promising myself that I am going to go on some epic adventure at some point in my life. The Niagara to Montreal ride will be a taste of what will come in the future.

Man, the last few days have been awesome to ride. I broke out my 36er and I've been riding around Welland. The downside is that its been quite wet... It was raining all day yesterday and I couldn't get out to do anything. But I'm going out tonight to ride a bit before the alpha meeting, and as I said, I'm going to go hand out resumes and pretty much beg for a job.

I might have a place to live lined up for next year. AJ is trying to get me to live with him and a bunch of people from the TWIG. I think I'm going to go for it, even though it's a little more expensive than my current position, I want to live with people I'm familiar with and I know I'll get along with.

Friday, February 6, 2009

I broke mah beard!

So, I shaved my beard last week... Big mistake. I really don't know why I did it. I think it was more peer pressure than anything. A group of girls asked me to shave it because they thought I would look better without it. Why did I listen? WHY?! Guh... I've spent the past several years being my own entity and not letting anyone tell me who I should be or what I should look like. The beard, although not covering much of my face (goatee), was part of my overall look that I wanted for myself. They said I'd look younger without the beard. Granted I do appear younger, I realize after the fact, that I don't like that look. To me, having a beard gives some sort of perception of wisdom or authority. I don't get why more men don't grow out their beards... Is it because of happenings similar to what I experienced? Are most women really not attracted to a long beard and do they convince their "potential mate" to get rid of it before anything happens? Really... I had been growing that goatee since before the summer in '08. I enjoyed the feel of it being on my chin... the shadow it cast in my silhouette... how it was weighed down when I lifted my face out of the water when I swim. So many memories down the drain... Litterally. But now, what's done is done. I can't glue it back on, so I've started growing it again. Hopefully it will grow more prominant and shapely.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Night Photography is cold in the winter

So, I'm in my current events class right now, watching some presentations. Basically Guantanamo sucks. Don't go there.
Anyway, just been hanging out around my apartment for the most part. Paying rent and living... Need to get a job still. I've handed out a bunch of resumes and I need to hand out more. I doubt I will have enough money to survive the rest of the year if I don't have a job.
Went to Handlebar Hank's Roadhouse yesterday with a bunch of people. Got some pizza and wings... hot wings. Good stuff. Zach's gf is in town visiting him from some small town up north. She's pretty cool to hang out with and to talk to. Gave me some good advice about some things, too.

The night before, I did some photography. I went out at 10:30pm and attempted to shoot some photographs of the Welland bridge. I'll post some images when I get them developed. I like night photography. Experimenting with light in the dark is fun, and with film, you never know what you are going to get until they are developed. Maybe I'll get a good SLR digital camera at some point... But I have other expenses to worry about.