Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Well, I put out some more resumes and filled out more applications today. (Yay!) Hopefully I have a job soon. I feel like I can't really do anything fun at the moment because I can't afford it... I wanted to go snowboarding over the Christmas break with my brother, but it costs too much money. XP

If I didn't mention it in the last post, I'll mention it in this one. I'm planning a big unicycle trip from Niagara Falls to Montreal. It'll either be by myself or with one or two people. I'm hoping that "Unicycle Max" DeMilner will join me, as well as Levi. I may need a support driver to carry equipment, though. (any takers?) Well, I have much planning and saving to do for this. I want to do it for as little money as I can... I may just resort to trying my chances at camping in the woods. (any donation made would be appreciated. :-) )

In other news, we did our first interview for my TV course today. It went decently, but we all have a lot to work on. It was basically a fifteen minute piece with two inserts and between the inserts was a live-to-tape interview. To put it really nicely, I hope things go better this week. We have three more to go.

Alright, time for some interesting links...
Catherine just showed me this one: http://bikefurniture.com/
And I Stumbled Upon this: http://dvice.com/archives/2009/01/bring_the_bike.php

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