Friday, January 23, 2009

So, I'm going home this weekend. Gonna see what I can do about my pearly whites at ye olde dentist.

I'm going from St. Catharines to Toronto where I'm going to meet with Catherine and hang out downtown. I should probably get some batteries for my camera... Then sometime in the eve' I'm going to Yorkdale to be picked up by my dad.

School is going alright at the moment. I'm getting involved with but I'm not sure if I'm really any use at the moment. I haven't been sleeping well and I can't concentrate on stuff I'm supposed to do. Bleh.

Also, feeling a bit lonely at the moment. Not the emo "life sucks and no body cares about me" kind of lonely, but I just want to get more involved with what others are doing. I don't drink, so I don't show up to parties where drinking happens (at least not very often) - I don't feel like I can relate to those situations. I like my small group of friends, but I'm still afraid of not fitting in. Guh... Also, as far as girlfriends go, I have none. I don't know what I'm doing about that. I'm just passively looking for someone, but there are some characteristics of some of the people I've been semi-interested in that have been off putting. Either they smoke, they gamble, they drink, or they seem too promiscuous. I just can't seem to find someone that isn't into any... Feh.

Anyway, tonight I went to an Alpha course. It's one of those Christian courses that teaches about the basics of Chistianity and helps to answer some questions. I'm a Christian, but I need a refresher. I guess I've been getting out of touch of who or what I am as a Christian. There are things that I want to improve upon myself and things I want to stay away from. Temptation to do certain things can sometimes be overwhelming. Anyway, after the course was over I let people try out my unicycle and it was quite fun. I was interviewed for a short while by a girl named Britney. It was quite fun answering all these questions about unicycling and why I got into it and such.

I'm going to be starting up a website soon for the Niagara Region Unicycle club that I'm starting. Gotta get someone to help with my webdesign... Maybe Jessa will help? We'll see.

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