Tuesday, March 31, 2009

In the mac lab again. My sunday and monday became one yesterday because I was fixing up a photoshop assignment due today... I came back today to finish and submit it when I found out that all my work didn't save. So, I have to a half-ass job to get the thing finished... and as I look at the clock, it turns to the time it's supposed to be due. Freaking rendering.

Yeah... I need to get more sleep, too. I feel like crap, even though I'm not acting like it. I've been stressing my body out for the last few days and it sucks.

I'm going to go hand more resumes out tomorrow... I still haven't heard anything about a job. This sucks! I am quite qualified to do all these small jobs I've applied for. I think I'll have to fix my resume up some more to get what I want.

I kinda want to head back home soon for a visit.

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