Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Well, I put out some more resumes and filled out more applications today. (Yay!) Hopefully I have a job soon. I feel like I can't really do anything fun at the moment because I can't afford it... I wanted to go snowboarding over the Christmas break with my brother, but it costs too much money. XP

If I didn't mention it in the last post, I'll mention it in this one. I'm planning a big unicycle trip from Niagara Falls to Montreal. It'll either be by myself or with one or two people. I'm hoping that "Unicycle Max" DeMilner will join me, as well as Levi. I may need a support driver to carry equipment, though. (any takers?) Well, I have much planning and saving to do for this. I want to do it for as little money as I can... I may just resort to trying my chances at camping in the woods. (any donation made would be appreciated. :-) )

In other news, we did our first interview for my TV course today. It went decently, but we all have a lot to work on. It was basically a fifteen minute piece with two inserts and between the inserts was a live-to-tape interview. To put it really nicely, I hope things go better this week. We have three more to go.

Alright, time for some interesting links...
Catherine just showed me this one: http://bikefurniture.com/
And I Stumbled Upon this: http://dvice.com/archives/2009/01/bring_the_bike.php

Friday, January 23, 2009

So, I'm going home this weekend. Gonna see what I can do about my pearly whites at ye olde dentist.

I'm going from St. Catharines to Toronto where I'm going to meet with Catherine and hang out downtown. I should probably get some batteries for my camera... Then sometime in the eve' I'm going to Yorkdale to be picked up by my dad.

School is going alright at the moment. I'm getting involved with www.thisweekingeek.net but I'm not sure if I'm really any use at the moment. I haven't been sleeping well and I can't concentrate on stuff I'm supposed to do. Bleh.

Also, feeling a bit lonely at the moment. Not the emo "life sucks and no body cares about me" kind of lonely, but I just want to get more involved with what others are doing. I don't drink, so I don't show up to parties where drinking happens (at least not very often) - I don't feel like I can relate to those situations. I like my small group of friends, but I'm still afraid of not fitting in. Guh... Also, as far as girlfriends go, I have none. I don't know what I'm doing about that. I'm just passively looking for someone, but there are some characteristics of some of the people I've been semi-interested in that have been off putting. Either they smoke, they gamble, they drink, or they seem too promiscuous. I just can't seem to find someone that isn't into any... Feh.

Anyway, tonight I went to an Alpha course. It's one of those Christian courses that teaches about the basics of Chistianity and helps to answer some questions. I'm a Christian, but I need a refresher. I guess I've been getting out of touch of who or what I am as a Christian. There are things that I want to improve upon myself and things I want to stay away from. Temptation to do certain things can sometimes be overwhelming. Anyway, after the course was over I let people try out my unicycle and it was quite fun. I was interviewed for a short while by a girl named Britney. It was quite fun answering all these questions about unicycling and why I got into it and such.

I'm going to be starting up a website soon for the Niagara Region Unicycle club that I'm starting. Gotta get someone to help with my webdesign... Maybe Jessa will help? We'll see.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Migrating from LJ

Just posting some stuff from coretechs.livejournal.com

Jan. 16th, 2009

Yeah, just posting to say that everything is going pretty good so far. I rode the lobster and it was probably the best thing I have ever done. I can't believe that I had the opportunity to participate in the most epic unicycle race ever.

So anyway, I'm at college now. I'm doing mah thing with broadcasting.

I really should keep my blog updated more often. I have a twitter page now. You can find it at http://twitter.com/coretechs. As I write this, it's the second week into the second semester and things are going quite well... Except that it's 2 am and I'm in school finishing an assignment due tomorrow. Gotta record sound clips for movies and give 'em to my radio prof tomorrow. I had some Rockstar earlier, so I should be able to get this done before I crash...
Anyway, back to work,


Feb. 27th, 2008

New Uni Tomorrow (or later today)

Alrighty, my new 36-inch unicycle is going to arrive tomorrow and I am so stoked for it. I'm going to write a review on it along with my experience getting on. I think I'm going to film the assembly and take before and after pics of the assembly. Then I will probably film the first few tries of getting on the thing. It's going to be way bigger than I'm used to, but I have practiced a bit by putting my 19-inch unicycle on a curb and jumping up onto it, so hopefully, I can freemount.
Anyway, I'll post pics as soon as I can!

- James

Feb. 15th, 2008

Things are starting to come together

The time is soon coming when I shall have my new unicycle :3

I have most of my team, my uni is pretty much handled, I have started a bit of training too. I need to strengthen my abdominal and my leg muscles. I'm realizing now that I'm not as built as I used to be, but I know what exercises I need to do to help. My days of karate and all those push ups and sit ups have sort of diminished since I stopped a few years back. I'm glad I'm doing this to keep me fit for the most part... Just need some strength training.

I talked with Adam Cohen of JustOneWheel.com and arranged for him to send me a new Nimbus Nightrider Pro. It's going to be awesome! It should be arriving next week, so I'll have a full review on the blog.

In other news... I went to Toronto last weekend and stayed over at Catherine's place. We met at the Seneca York campus on Friday and she showed me around her classroom. I thought all the drawing in there were pretty amazing. I really want to see more.
On Saturday we went downtown and had good fun going down Queen St. and Chinatown. We had some good sushi and looked in comic book and manga stores. The we watched Cloverfield, awesome movie. Then when back to her place, talked, had pasta and watched some Saturday Night Live.
I went home on Sunday around 3. All in all, I'd say it was a really good and fun weekend. :D

Tomorrow, I'm going down to Niagara College to be tested and ranked to get into the broadcasting course I want. Pray for me and wish me luck.

Had another driving lesson today. First freeway lesson, I was sort of nervous, but remained calm and confident. It was easier than I thought it would be. Soon, I will have my license and be able to get a job outside of this small town. :)

Jan. 18th, 2008

Looking for Sponsorship

I may eventually be sponsored in part by my old co-op placement. Basically I'll advertise for them by wearing a cycling jersey with their website on it or something. Need to work things out with that. Got some good tips for who to try get sponsorships from. :D
Talked to Ben Dunn and my brother about perhaps being a candidate for our fourth team member for Ride The Lobster.

Also, I'm in the process of figuring out where I want to go for school. Looking into film, radio or recording. Hopefully I'll get this all figured out before the deadline.

Jan. 17th, 2008

I have returned

Well, it looks like that "tomorrow" from my last post has come almost two years later. A lot has happened in that time... And I'm not going to post it due to just writing about now.

Lets see... Recently, I have been starting to get ready for an event in the summer that I will hopefully participate in. It is the first event of it's kind and it has the unusual name of "Ride The Lobster". To plainly put it, it is an 800km relay race that will take place over five days in June. But that's not the best part. The best part is that it is all being done on unicycles. Also, another fine bit of it is that it is all going to be done in Nova Scotia.
I started unicycling exactly five months ago minus a day. I can't believe how well this sport works for me. It's unusual, fun, and very healthy. I have two unicycles in my arsenal at the moment: A basic beginner 24-inch wheel, and one with a 19-inch trials wheel. Within the next month I plan to have a unicycle 36-inch wheel in order to participate in Ride The Lobster.

I suppose I'm going to use this LJ account to post my progress in working toward the race and various other things.

My to do list before the race:

- Get 36-inch unicycle (commonly known as a "Coker").
- Do my two-day qualifying ride.
- Put together a four person team with three riders and one support.
- Figure out getting there and back
- Work toward getting a sponsor.

I think I already have my riding team set up except for the support person. Eric Evenchick from Ottawa and Nick Allred from somewhere in the US about an hour away from Washington DC. Anyone who is interested in being a support person to help us during the race... Please contact me :D

I have contacted JustOneWheel.com and I could either get my uni now with a steel rim or wait until February for the "Top Secret" aluminum rim. I'm choosing to wait for the aluminum rim because it's a lot lighter and a lot better to handle. Sure it costs a little more, but it's worth it so the wheel keeps straight and the speed I'll gain due to lost weight.

For those of you reading this who don't know much about unicycling, just know this: It's not just for the circus anymore.