Tuesday, July 14, 2009

So, I've been living at my new place for almost two months and I'm quite enjoying it. :) It's so much better to live with people you know and trust, rather than some random people you don't know. My room is more spacious and usable than the other place. I just need to keep tabs on organizing it... It's got a little out of hand in the past week. I blame work and various other things. Hehe.

I'm thinking of restarting my BlogCore account on YouTube and getting more material up. I need to make my web presence more known, but I'm not completely sure how to do that. I guess the answers will come in time.

Also, I'm quite happy that my summer is going quite well. Staying in Welland was a good choice, I think. I may be mostly broke, but I just got myself a second job, doing what I enjoy. Or at least something related to what I enjoy. I'm working in a 1-hour photography shop in the mall. So good! I am no longer making food for other people in the back of a kitchen! :3 I am taking in film to be developed, enlarging and cropping pictures, and selling cameras and related products. I've only worked two shifts so far, and have really just been watching, listening and learning, but it's been good. I'm working another two shifts this week, and I can't wait 'til I get better at this whole retail thing. :D

The other job I've been working has been at Little Caesars as a sign shaker outside. Apparently, I'm the best shaker they have, so I get to work at least five days a week, where everyone else works four or less. They are only 4-hour shifts, but it gets me by, especially with the camera sales job.

In other news, my little brother is on a month and a half long vacation in Ireland. He's only a little guy and I'm really quite proud of how he handled leaving us at the airport. I just hope he's having an awesome time over there. He's visiting our many relatives.

I'm kind of missing home right now, and I miss some of my old friends. I haven't really talked to Chris, Jac, and a few others all that much since I left. Gord, Matt, and Dan have come down to Welland for movie nights a few times, and those nights have been quite fun.

Anyway, I'm working at 11am, so I should get some sleep. I'll try post some more. Kinda helps me remember stuff that's happened recently.

- James

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