Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My computer power cable finally died, so I'm using my friend's for temporarily to check stuff out online. I was looking at some old blogs of mine and Cath's (I think I deleted mine online, but backed them up somewhere on my computer). I think it's neat looking back at what we went through on a semi-regular basis. I kinda miss feeling like I could say somethings on my blog that I might not normally say. You could say that I'm censoring myself a bit. I want to open up and say what I feel about certain people again, but I worry about people's reactions. I tend to think much more about what kinds of things I put online. Sure, I have some personal information out on the internet somewhere, but putting up emotional stuff seems almost childish or immature in a way. It's not that I disapprove of it being done, but I don't know how to be as open online as I was. What makes the whole not putting my feeling out there on this or any blog kinda silly is that I'm not even sure if anyone actually reads this. But I guess that's the whole idea for putting stuff out there... just in case there is that one person who actually cares to read.

Now, onto some recent news:
I'm done my first year of college! Yay! I passed everything... well, there's one mark I'm trying to fix so I do. But other than that, I'm moving on to second year in my broadcasting course. I was also nominated for what is known as a "Grafiti Award" at my school. It's kinda like a miniature version of the oscars, but for the broadcasting students. As I said, I was nominated for an award and I won! I won in the first year photography contest. :) I was pretty confident that I was going to get it, then I saw what some other people had presented and became doubtful, but they announced my name and I went down to collect the award. I feel I have to thank my film teacher, David Niven, for introducing all of us to film photography and composition. He is by far one of the best teachers I have ever had. Thanks Niv-dawg!

As for recent unicycling news, I am having some doubts as to whether or not I will be able to accomplish my trip due to a few things. My first concern is employment. I just got a job at Pizza Hut and I am going to see how that goes. I think it'll be simple enough, but the problem comes where I have to book time off. You see, I don't don't know how well they are going to react to me asking for two weeks off in the next few months in order for me to do my trip. I suppose if I am a really good worker, I'll be able to pull it off.
Second concern is my right knee. I think I tore some sort of ligament or muscle about a month ago, and apparently there isn't much I can do but wait for it to heal. At this point, it doesn't really affect my cycling, but I'm not sure if it will pose a threat when I'm on the road. It's something I'm going to have to wait out, too.
Third is planning. I have no idea what the hell I'm doing in this department. >.<' What to bring, how to pack properly, and whatever else is still a mystery to me. But I think I'll be able to solve that before I leave. I plan to leave the first week of August.
Fourth concern is where I'm going to stay... It's looking like I'll have to bring a tent with me. Ask whoever you know along or near this route if they have a couch for me to crash on for one night. in the first half of august:
If anyone has questions or knows of anything else I should be concerned about, please comment.